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Tecvac, Inc.

800 847-9324

"Taking Quality To A New Level...Worldwide"

Our Processes



The CleanSettm Setup Method now allows the structural crack repair and restoration of an array of historically significant and and aesthetically sensitive applications.

The aftermath of the CleanSettm method of crack repair setup is a pristine surface with no defacing whatsoever.

Nothing can maintain or restore public confidence like repairs made with and concealed with CrackMasktm.

CrackMasktm can be used on an array of materials including masonry and stones, concrete, granite, brown stone or terre cotta, if you require a pristine result from your next crack repair… you need CrackMasktm.



A unique blending of polymer modified repair materials to closely match the substrate.

Patches in concrete dont have to stand out like a sore thumb. In addition, and in most cases, PatchMatchtm can also match the texture and form of the surfaces adjacent to the concrete repair patch.


The SoftSoaktm Saturation process can be used to apply materials to vast airport runways or...coupled with vacuum and used on the finest artwork.

Materials applied to millions of square feet of military taxiways and George Washington's ansestorial grave stone both using SoftSoaktm Saturation.

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