Tecvac, Inc.
"Taking Quality To A New Level...Worldwide"
800 847-9324

Our Vision

“TECVAC, Inc. will continually improve and expand our abilities to serve our customers. We will accomplish these tasks by increasing our technical expertise, exploiting state-of-the-art technologies, improving process procedures and developing new technologies where none exist. While remaining ever committed to quality and safety, we will persistently advance higher education, broader experience, greater flexibility in structure and function, total open-mindedness and will never sway from the sense of duty we believe essential in conquering the future challenges posed to us by our clients.
No exceptions
Our Solutions

We are a comprehensive resource: a spectrum of experts, services, skills, industry experience, and materials knowledge focused on discrete repair projects and complicated problems.

Our exclusive vacuum processes draw upon extensive field testing and widely applied, state-of-the-art, applications.
Why vacuum is superior to conventional pressure injection...
Our Services

Large or small, few other firms can equal our depth and breadth of experience, particularly in the specialized repair of masonry, stone and structural concrete repair.
• Exclusive Vacuum Repair Processes
• Non-Destructive Testing With Impact Echo
• Job Construction and Completion Support
• Turn-Key Project Management
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